
Friday, 22 June 2012

The Right Person

Here's a tip for job hunters.  Particularly if you happen to pound the streets, a stack of CVs in hand, popping into shops and such, and then go up to someone to ask if there are any jobs available.

Ask to speak to the manager.  Or the duty manager if the manager isn't available.

Don't go up random employees and expect them to know the most up-to-date vacancy situation. 

Especially don't stand in a long queue and hold up the people waiting to pay for their goods whilst you question the cashier; there are supervisors around, at the very least go and ask them.

This has happened to me a lot recently.  I currently work as a cashier and it puzzles me no end that people seem to think that 'I' am the person to ask.  There are always a number of supervisors around - heck, we have a Help Desk!  Either of those would make a more sensible choice of 'who to ask'.

Instead, someone will come up to me, ask if we have any jobs going, and then hand me a CV asking if they can leave it with us.  Sure, I'll take it, but you've just missed a golden opportunity to speak to management directly since you've already turned to leave as soon as I take hold of your CV.

When I write to potential employers, I try to find out the most appropriate person to address my letter to.  If I can get the name of the practice manager, then that's awesome; they are more than likely to have the power to hire and fire.  If a practice manager appears to be elusive, then I address it to the senior dentist.

What good would it do to address my letter to a dentist at random?  Or one of the hygienists?  It would waste their time and imply that I can't be bothered to give my application some thought and reach the most logical conclusion.

In addition, I always write to a named person.  It's just plain lazy and rude to write Dear Sir / Madam. If you got a letter would you rather someone actually get your name correct (that includes spelling!) or a vague sir / madam that implies they can't be bothered to find out who you are?

With my current employer, I'm fully aware that several individuals are job hunting.  Beyond that, I have no idea whether anyone has recently been successful and handed their notice in.  Management are going to be far more aware of that than I.  They'll know whether they can absorb the loss or need to employ someone new.

As a 'random' employee working on the shop floor ... how do you propose that I will know anything specific about it?

Ask for the person in charge!  If they are available and can speak to you face-to-face, they could potentially have a quick chat with you, consider whether you are potentially employable - if you're extremely lucky, they might offer you a impromptu interview on the spot.  You just don't know, if you don't bother to speak to the right person


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