
Monday, 25 June 2012

Repeat Job Application

I've posted off another job application this morning.

I'm somewhat more hopeful of gaining a reply from this Practice as I've been in contact with them before.

Near the end of last year, I applied for dental nurse job that they were advertising on directgov but was unfortunately too late: they'd already filled the post when they received my application.

BUT ... they liked my CV and offered to keep it on file for any upcoming vacancies!

That was awesome news!  However, you should never assume that anyone is going to hold onto your CV forever more - you need to revisit and make contact again later.  Preferably with a more up-to-date CV.  Which is what I've done.

Basically, I've highlighted that we have communicated before and that they kindly offered to keep my CV on file (always good to remind of this and that you're not just randomly contacting them), so I am now sending along my updated CV, highlighting that since my last application for a dental nurse role, I have been getting vacinated against Hepatitis B (a job requirement) and of course studying the textbook.

Not only am I keeping a communication going with them, I can demonstrate that I'm still serious about the career path and have been working towards it.

Whether or not they yet have any vacancies, it doesn't matter.  They'll have my recent CV and be reminded that they considered me in the past - I'm still a viable candidate.


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