
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Coupon from Aquafresh

I've been emailed with another coupon from the Aquafresh Club.

It's 30p off their Aquafresh Ultimate or Ultimate + Whitening toothpaste.

If you have a printer, you can obviously print it straight off.  If you don't have a printer, they've done the sensible thing of giving you the option of requesting it being sent to you in the post - which I have requested since the computer I'm using isn't connected to a printer at this moment in time.

Nice to get a coupon, although I still haven't used the one I recieved with the free toothpaste sample yet!  I must use it soon as it's only valid until the end of the month.  It's a shame that my current employer does not stock the Ultimate toothpaste - guess I'll have to take a look in the local supermarkets, see who has it.


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